Chopra Center

Pic of John, Chopra and Jasmine

Deepak Chopra, M.D. FACP, Founder of the Chopra Foundation & Chopra Global with John L. Close, R.N. and chief therapy dog, Jasmine.

Over 30 Year Relationship with Chopra Center

John specializes in Ortho-Bionomy, a therapy he refers to as “the Yoga of Body Work,” as well as teaching yoga and meditation, and the biological responses for health. John’s wife Jane (who passed in 2019) specialized in health care at the Willow Tree as a 4th generation herbalist, a 2nd generation nutritionist and a Registered Nurse of 50 years.

The foundation of this work was John and Jane’s certifications with the Chopra Center for Well Being. Jane was certified in the Ayurvedic component in 1995. John was certified in Primordial Sound Meditation in 1997.

John’s practice of Hatha Yoga started in 1970 with Yogi Bhajan of Kundalini Yoga. In 2000, John was grandfathered into the Yoga Alliance due to this practice, documented teaching since 1997, and his certification with Chopra Meditation.

John’s mind-body approach utilizes the complementary and alternative medical modalities (CAM) of range of motion and fascial release (Ortho-Bionomy), yoga and Chopra Meditation. His RN health advocacy builds on the Jane Protocol which is based on 25 years of research and case studies. John has been teaching Hatha yoga since January 1997. In 2003, he committed his teaching path to Amrit Yoga known as the “Posture of Consciousness”—truly meditation in motion.

John is also distinguished by his development of Chair Yoga classes that merge meditation, yoga and the principles of Ortho-Bionomy. Honoring the spirit of Ayurveda and the mind/body/spirit connection, the Willow Tree offers yoga for health.

“I have made it my life’s work to study and search out the flaws in our lifestyles, accepted diet guidance, medications and exercise teachings.” 

— Jane Dennell-Close, RN

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